

Leila H.

When I first signed up for this program, I was anticipating a traditional program: lessons on nutrition, meal plans, check-ins on progress/weigh-ins. What I got was so much more! I have always struggled with my relationship to food and while working with Cindy, she has helped me change how I relate to food. I have learned so many new lessons on how to portion my food, but most importantly how to love my body and the food I choose to nourish it with. I am taking the lessons of self compassion and feeling emotional full as I continue my lifelong health journey.


Nikki N.

I started gaining a lot of weight in 2019 and continued through early 2022. I was very unhappy with the way I looked and tried to lose weight several times with little success or gained it back after a few weeks. I never thought about getting a coach during this time due to many excuses I was telling myself. Mid 2022 I decided it was time to get help and was referred to Dr. Cindy Kimmi Tan. Before our consultation call I was still hesitant since I wanted to lose weight but wasn’t sure how dedicated I can be to a program. I had the perception that I would need to eat the same bland meals everyday, follow strict rules, and lose control of my daily life. However, after talking to Dr. Cindy I felt relief and assured that I can do it because she works with you versus telling you what to do/shame you for mishaps.

The program is very relatable and easy going because Dr. Cindy worked with me by providing knowledge, suggestions, and incremental changes that eventually became second nature in my daily life. She provided different perspectives and guides on healthy eating so I can still enjoy what I love. The program teaches you about good relationships with food and how to listen to your body. It’s not about cutting the things you enjoy out of your life completely because it is not sustainable. There are certain days/weeks where I would fall off the program due to life activities, but I continue to maintain the weight lost. This is the result from the program and being able to understanding my body better to determine when to stop. I learned about external and internal factors that affects my eating habits. Through knowledge and practice of these techniques, it became habitual and now I unconsciously make these decisions towards healthier food choices.

I couldn’t believe in the results after 11 weeks and losing 13+ lbs! I say 13+ because I am continuing to lose more weight in this last week. Dr. Cindy is very present during this whole program and really aided in my success. I felt comfortable, supported, and learned a lot. Finding the right coach to take you through a weight lost journey is hard, but Dr. Cindy made it very easy and enjoyable! Because of how much I’ve learn and gained from this experience I am referring friends and families to this program. I think everyone should have that supportive person to guide them along in a very tough road of healthy weight management.


Monica O.

When I was growing up I always thought that meat and carbs were bad foods. Things like being told rice is bad for you comes to mind. So, every time I ate “healthy,” I would always decrease the amount of meat and carbs I ate, or would stop eating meat and carbs in general. But, when I started nutrition coaching, with Dr. Cindy Kimmi Tan, I learned that not only were meat and carbs not “bad” foods, but that I needed them to (1) stay full longer and (2) get the nutrients that my body needs. Because of Dr. Cindy Kimmi Tan, now eat all the foods (meat, cabs, and even ice cream) that my body needs and have lost 30 lbs in the processes!


Leslie B.

My experience during VM Level 1 was very eye opening. I was able to learn things about myself that I haven't really explored in any other setting, let alone a weight loss program.

The pace and progression of the program was very manageable. I never felt overwhelmed and whenever I did feel like I had let myself down, Cindy was a positive voice to remind me that true weight loss takes time, especially when unlearning years of yo-yo dieting methods.

Now that I've completed the Transformation Journey Level 1, I feel that the decisions I make, when it comes to food, are more purposeful and conscious choices. I have the information I need to make informed decisions about portions, nutrition etc. I also don't beat myself up, as much, after making food choices that in traditional diet culture would be seen as "bad" or "wrong." I now have Cindy's voice asking if I did 1% better, and that's what counts.


Erin C.

Cindy and the program she has created are so amazing! The program she has created will truly help people live a better life and not just provide a short term bandaid. She is such a genuine person and really wants to help you and see you succeed. Not only does she provide the tools to be successful, including awesome meal plans, she helps you dig down deep to understand what has been driving our thinking and preconceived notions of what is healthy. While doing all this she provides immense positive support. When I come in with negative comments about my progress she has given me a new outlook and she has helped me be kinder to myself. I cannot speak highly enough of Cindy as a person and her knowledge on nutrition.


Kim C.

Where to even start with Dr. Cindy Kimmi! Like so many, I outgrew my jeans during the pandemic and was desperate to fit back into them. I also wanted to just develop healthy habits and routine for my daily life, so in came Dr. Cindy Kimmi to the rescue! We did a nutrition coaching program together and it was a wonderful experience - she is so incredibly attentive, comprehensive, knowledgeable, professional, kind and genuinely cares for all of her clients. She listened to all of my needs/preferences and created personalized weekly meal plans for me. The recipes were great! And she helped me set small but achievable exercise goals. She kept me accountable and talked things through with me to help identify the root problem behind my habits. She taught me valuable portion control tools and techniques and encouraged me every step of the way. All this to say, I recommend Dr. Cindy Kimmi to anyone and everyone looking for help in their health journey. You won't regret it! 


Lauren H.

Nutrition coaching with Dr. Cindy Kimmi Tan has been a life altering experience. I always had a vague idea of what was healthy food and what was bad food, but I never truly knew why. Dr. Cindy Kimmi has not only given me the tools that I need in order to live a healthy lifestyle, but she has helped me create a foundation to work off of by teaching me the why behind a healthy lifestyle. We have dug deep and uncovered various triggers or circumstances that have led to unhealthy habits and bit by bit she has taught me how to react differently in those situations. Her gentle spirit made a tough process much easier and honestly, enjoyable. I now react with patience and not with stress. Instead of binge eating, I replace that with a healthy habit. Because of what I am learning with Dr. Cindy Kimmi, I know that this will truly be a lifestyle change and not a quick fix! I now have the foundation and the tools to succeed!!!


Mel L.

What started as my desire to quickly lose 20 lbs for a social event coming up ended up allowing me the chance to take a look at my personal relationship to food and fitness. Working with Cindy, she helped frame way of thinking through nutrition in a digestible, non-judgmental way. She’s insightful, intuitive and caring - disarming you with a genuine desire to help and then backs up her recommendations with science. 

I’m grateful for the tools that I have in my pocket to create lasting habits vs a temporary weightless.

Our sessions weren’t always easy (is growth ever?) but they were always awesome. She tailored my sessions to who I was and where I was in my journey- covering things like emotional eating, lifestyle and even stress bod (who knew?!) I would whole heartedly recommend this approach to anyone who is looking to actually change their relationship to food and create lasting change in their lives.


Michelle S.

“This was a very positive and transformative journey for me. Every week was informative and challenging in a good way. Dr. Cindy was really there with me every step of the way. She was encouraging but also pushed me to face the parts of myself I’ve tried to hide. I’m not the same person as I was when I started. I’m more aware of myself. I’m able to care for myself better, and as a result, I can take care of my family. I truly feel like the best version of myself.

I’m more conscious of what I’m putting into my body. I’m taking charge of my health. I have more energy than before, I can run and play with my kids. I feel more confident in who I am.

The modules broke down a lot of the different aspects of food psychology. It’s not just about the different kinds of food and what to eat. The program delved into understanding deeply rooted relationship with food and eating habits. The modules were easily digestible nuggets of knowledge that set us up for the week. And the most invaluable part of the program was the accountability. Dr. Cindy was always available. Our weekly meetings were like therapy sessions that uncovered my relationship with food. She made me feel comfortable and safe in our sessions. She explained and asked questions that got me to really open up."


Emily K.

“Vertical fitness level 1 has been the best decision and I am so glad I did it! Cindy is the sweetest, most encouraging, and knowledgeable person when it comes to nutritional coaching. She has helped me in so many areas of my health journey. From eating right portion sizes, hunger cues and especially emotional eating. But has also helped me shift my mind set to better body positivity and taking care of myself even as a mom! It has been so practical for my lifestyle and where I am in life currently. And if I fail one day or even multiple that it’s okay to Just get right back up and keep going. All of the things I have learned and more i will keep with me for the rest of my life! And that is HUGE! I can’t thank Cindy enough for all she has done to help me begin my health journey!”