How To Overcome Unnecessary Cravings?

How to Overcome Unnecessary Cravings? 

Let me tell you, I pregnancy cravings are real and they are fierce. 

I have definitely had to check in with myself multiple times a day because these cravings are no joke! 

It took a while for me to get a grasp and understanding of these cravings. It is all a new experience for me juggling a new routine, body and balance of hormones. 

Follow along to learn my top 5 tips that have helped me maintain a balance diet while also embracing some yummy snacks. 

  1. Assess Your Hunger 

    Ask yourself. Am I actually hungry and would I eat a bowl of veggies right now? Usually that tells me if I am actually hungry or if I am just having snackish cravings. 

  2. Identify The Root Cause of Your Craving

    If you determine that you are actually not hungry, ask yourself “What is the reason for my craving?” Perhaps you are bored,  anxious, angry, tired, or in a celebratory mood. 

  3. Assess Your Needs 

    Once you determine the root cause of your cravings, take the time to identify your actual need. Maybe you need to improve your sleep, take 10-15 minutes to yourself to decompress, address your boredom in another way. 

  4. Do Not Be Rigid 

    What I find is that being rigid and setting black and white rules for yourself leads to more snacking. The key is to address the root issue to your snacking and not just force yourself to adapt a habit. 

  5. Eat the Snack in Moderation If you Really Want It 

    I am all about eating fun foods in moderation. After your assessment, if you find that you still want the snack. Go for it. I find that constantly saying no without understanding the reason why does not lead to permanent change but to being obsessive and eventually caving into overeating and snacking. Have Grace with yourself, food and life are great gifts to enjoy!

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I’ll catch you during our next pow wow.


Dr. Cindy Kimmi Tan